Riverland Model Aero Club Inc.

Searching for a new Hobby? Why not join the Riverland Model Aero Club. New members always welcome. Flying on Sundays from 9am. Free Training for new flyers, yearly events include float plane and indoor flying. Here’s a little overview on the club:
We are an active aero modelling club located at Loxton North in the Riverland of South Australia. We fly radio controlled model aircraft of varying sizes and types; from small park sized electrics to giant scale gas powered fixed wing, helicopters, gliders and everything in between… You’d be amazed to see what goes up at our field! We’ve even had an RC bird complete with flapping wings!
Each Sunday you will find a friendly and dedicated group of enthusiasts at our field – rain, wind or shine. Members are also welcome to fly any day of the week. We enjoy a relaxed atmosphere where we share and pursue our hobby with like-minded people.
For more information contact Bruce on 0422 908 967
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