The potential dangers of hot weather have been reaffirmed, with authorities declaring Severe Heatwave Conditions for the Riverland district.
Yesterday temps at Renmark hit near on 43 degrees mid-afternoon, and only dropped to 24 overnight.
Today we again have forecast temperatures over 40, with the rest of the week remaining in the high 30’s or low 40’s.
The SES say “babies and young children, older people, pregnant women and people who are already unwell are especially at risk and can become ill, as well those who are healthy should take care.”
The SES also recommends
- Keep cool by staying indoors as much as possible and turn fans and air-conditioners on early in the day to stop the heat from building up in your home.
- Make sure you are drinking plenty of water, even if you do not feel thirsty. Carry a water bottle with you if you go out.
- Never leave children, or pets, alone in a car.
- The very young, older people and those who are already unwell are most at risk – check on them regularly.
- Make sure your pets and animals have shade and water too.
Further information can be found via the SES or SA Health.