An out of hours preschool care program is being trialled at local sites.
Called ‘Kindy Care’ the trial follow recommendations outlined in the Early Childhood Education and Care Royal Commission led by former Prime Minister Julia Gillard.
Ten sites across the state form the first part of the trial staring this week, two of those being in the Riverland.
Loxton and Renmark North Pre-Schools have been listed to see Kindy Care commence this week, with Glossop to start later this year.
Education minister, Blair Boyer said “Kindy Care will help relieve pressure on working families and provide their children with continuity of care outside of the regular preschool hours.
Minister Boyer added further “This is an exciting reform that will lead the nation. It builds upon our existing investment into improving government preschool facilities and out-of-hours care, providing families with greater options and a higher quality of education and care.”