
Dry conditions factored in River Murray outlook

August 16, 2023 9:03 am in by
Photo of Murray River, upstream of Headings Cliffs, South Australia on Wikimedia by Kaarenmax19

South Australia’s yearly River Murray Water entitlement has been secured, as outlined in the 2023/24 Murray Darling Basin Authority’s (MDBA) operating outlook.

High amounts of water in storage, together with predicted dry conditions dominated River Murray System management strategies, with the water year starting with storage’s currently more than 90%.  

MDBA Executive Director of River Management Andrew Reynolds said “They had looked at a range of scenarios in the Outlook and at this stage they expect to meet demands for water across the River Murray system this water year,”

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Mr Reynolds added further “If the Bureau of Meteorology’s prediction of dry conditions ensue then higher irrigation demands are expected.”

Despite this full South Australian entitlement had been secured under normal water-sharing arrangements, according to the MDBA.
