RecFish SA forum 2024
“Are you a keen recreational fisher? RecFish SA wants to know how you think fishing can be improved in South Australia at their fishing forum at Hotel Renmark on the 19th July, 6:30pm.”
We would love to hear from the Riverland community on the top issues/priorities/improvements for recreational fishing. Whether it be infrastructure, policy, licensing, habitat restoration, fish stocking, education, fishery management and more.
All feedback and discussion are documented to feed into our internal and ministerial reports which govern out workload for the next year.
18:30 – Doors Open
18:45 – Part 1
- Fisheries Management Advisory Committees and how they work
- Access and allocation reviews; why they’re important, their processes, and their current findings
- How we represent you as a community
- How you can help make changes and solve problems
19:15 – Intermission
- FREE prize draw entry
- Submit questions & topics
19:30 – Part 2
- Discussion 60-90 mins allocated
Walk ins are welcome, registration helps us get an idea of numbers.