Berri Barmera Council 2024 Australia Day Celebration
Australia Day today is a community day, with formal ceremonies around the country. Our civic ceremony comprises of a flag raising ceremony, citizenship ceremonies and the presentation of our community awards. The morning is combined with a family friendly breakfast, music and fun activities.
On Australia Day we celebrate what’s great about being Australian. It’s the day to reflect on what we have achieved and what we can be proud of in our great nation.
Our community are welcome to enjoy breakfast commencing at 8.00am, with award presentation and citizenship ceremony commencing at approximately 9.00am.
2024 celebrations will commence at 7.30am with a community walk along the Berri Riverfront. If you wish to participate, please complete the registration form available here or from the Berri Barmera Council Office, 5 Riverview Drive Berri, or the Barmera Library and return to Council by Friday 19 January 2024.